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A Comparative Performance Analysis of Four Control Algorithms for a Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter


E.Latha Mercy, R.Karthick, S.Arumugam


Vol. 10  No. 6  pp. 1-7


Shunt Active Power Filters (SAPFs) represent the most important and widely used filter in industrial purposes due to the fact that, they not only eliminate the harmonic current with a neglected amount of active fundamental current supplied to compensate system losses, but also they are suitable for a wide range of power ratings. One of the key issues for a proper implementation of an active filter is to use a good control algorithm for reference current generation. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of four approaches for determining the reference compensation currents of SAPF to maintain sinusoidal source currents supplied to nonlinear loads according to IEEE-519 standard. The approaches to be compared include the instantaneous reactive power theory, synchronous reference frame theory, synchronous detection method and perfect harmonic elimination method. Models of a power line with a nonlinear load using the above four approaches are developed using MATLAB-Simulink and are simulated for both balanced and unbalanced conditions.


Shunt Active Power Filter, p-q method, id-iq method, synchronous detection method, perfect harmonic cancellation