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The usefulness of RSS to ¡°Westy Watches the Wire¡± WWW
Saleh Albahli, Ali Alkhalifah
Citation |
Vol. 10 No. 5 pp. 156-159
The following report looks at the internet communications and the use of Really Simple Syndication (RSS) in web sites to enhance the way of passing information to web site visitors. RSS feeds avails the latest information to users from various websites without the need of visiting each of the web sites. The application pushes the information to them and they can choose which information to read. To set up RSS one needs the internet, an RSS reader and a database with the information to be shared. RSS makes it possible to share information from incompatible databases as it uses XML files that can be used on different databases. This sharing of information can also become a privacy issue as information can be accessed by unauthorised persons. Hence, is important to protect the information of the users. This is done by implementing privacy policies.
privacy, spam, blog, RSS, internet communication, advertisement