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Networking of Paperless Offices in Technical Institutes of India
Seema Shah, Mohit Tiwari
Citation |
Vol. 10 No. 3 pp. 177-181
The paperless office is an ideal situation for all managerial aspects in any organization. Several studies have been conducted in this field and none concluded that there is a possibility of any organization to become fully paperless. In the present contribution authors have focused on two technical institutes of India which are premier in nature and it was expected that such institutes will show right path for others to move upon to become a paperless organization. However, the study shows that it is only a dream and can become reality if the rules and regulations established several years ago are modified accordingly. The opinions and perceptions were sought through well designed questionnaire from faculty members, officers and support staff of the two institutes. In case of Technical Institute P1 the opinion for adoption of paperless office is about 65% whereas in Technical Institute P2 it is slightly better. In almost all the items related to usages of IT tools & techniques, electronic communications and maintaining of records electronically, e-functioning of laboratories, e-library thorough use of Internet and others the officers opinion is slightly reversed in comparison to that of faculty members. The support staff more or less have expressed similar opinion and are in favour that only 50% office part should be paperless. The networking of available paperless activities is excellent in both institutes. The training and upgradation of knowledge in the area of application of ICT tools are very much essential for having nearly paperless office of any institution. The advantages like easy storage, time savings, user friendly, security, efficiency and accessibility will be achieved if continuous efforts by all the human resources working in any organization are streamlined.
Paperless offices, Networking, Information Technology, Efficient Communication, Best Practices, Internet Services, Digital Era