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An Algorithm Based on Empirical Methods, for Text-to-Tuneful-Speech Synthesis of Sanskrit Verse


Rama N., Meenakshi Lakshmanan


Vol. 10  No. 1  pp. 281-288


The rendering of Sanskrit poetry from text to speech is a problem that has not been solved before. One reason may be the complications in the language itself. We present unique algorithms based on extensive empirical analysis, to synthesize speech from a given text input of Sanskrit verses. Using a pre-recorded audio units database which is itself tremendously reduced in size compared to the colossal size that would otherwise be required, the algorithms work on producing the best possible, tunefully rendered chanting of the given verse. His would enable the visually impaired and those with reading disabilities to easily access the contents of Sanskrit verses otherwise available only in writing.


Sanskrit, verse, text-to-speech, musical tones, speech synthesis, sandhi, metre.