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Tamil Handwritten Character Recognition Using Kohonon's Self Organizing Map


J.Venkatesh, C. Sureshkumar


Vol. 9  No. 12  pp. 156-161


The extracted features for recognition are converted to Self Organizing Maps (SOM) where the characters are classified using Kohonen Network algorithm. This character recognition finds applications in document analysis where the handwritten document can be converted to editable printed document. This approach can be extended to recognition and reproduction of hand written documents in South Indian languages. Hand written Tamil Character recognition refers to the process of conversion of handwritten Tamil character into printed Tamil character. The scanned image is segmented into paragraphs using spatial space detection technique, paragraphs into lines using vertical histogram, lines into words using horizontal histogram, and words into character image glyphs using horizontal histogram. Each image glyph is subjected to feature extraction procedure, which extracts the features such as character height, character width, number of horizontal lines(long and short), number of vertical lines(long and short), horizontally oriented curves, the vertically oriented curves, number of circles, number of slope lines, image centroid and special dots.


Character recognition, Unicode, Self Organizing Maps (SOM)