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The development of the web-based Attendance Register System (ARS) for higher academic institution: From feasibility study to the design phase


Mahfudzah Othman, Siti Nurbaya Ismail, Mohd Ikhsan Md Raus


Vol. 9  No. 10  pp. 203-208


This study focuses on the development of a web-based Attendance Register System or formerly known as ARS. The development of this system is motivated due to the fact that the students¡¯ attendance records are one of the important elements that reflect their academic achievements in the higher academic institutions. However, the current practice implemented in most of the higher academic institutions in Malaysia is becoming more prone to human errors and frauds. Assisted by the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology, the ARS has been built using the web-based applications such as PHP, MySQL and Apache to cater the recording and reporting of the students¡¯ attendances. The development of this prototype system is inspired by the feasibility study done in Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia where 550 respondents have taken part in answering the questionnaires. From the analysis done, it has revealed that a more systematic and revolutionary system is indeed needed to be reinforced in order to improve the process of recording and reporting the attendances in the higher academic institution. ARS can be easily accessed by the lecturers via the Web and most importantly, the reports can be generated in real-time processing, thus, providing invaluable information about the students¡¯ commitments in attending the classes. This paper will discuss in details the development of ARS from the feasibility study until the design phase.


Student attendance, Attendance Register System (ARS), Web-based application, higher academic institution