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Sliding Mode Control of Induction Motor using Simulation Approach
R.SaravanaKumar, K.Vinoth Kumar, K.K.Ray
Citation |
Vol. 9 No. 10 pp. 93-104
The main objectives of this paper is aimed to control the position of a field oriented Induction Servo motor drive for a given reference input signal in a very efficient way and to compare the two control schemes using Matlab/Simulink. To design a total sliding-mode control system which is insensitive to uncertainties, including parameter variations and external disturbances in the whole control process. To design an adaptive sliding-mode control system which adjusts the bound of uncertainities in real time and also reduces the chattering phenomena in the control effort using a simple adaptive algorithm? The simulation result of the control schemes for a given Induction Motor is discussed below.
Field oriented induction servo motor, sliding mode control system, adaptive sliding mode control system