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A Procedure of Compiling an ISO Conforming Parts Library Dictionary
Saburo Tanatsugu, Mamoru Kawanobe, Isao Shirakawa, Hiroshi Ninomiya
Citation |
Vol. 9 No. 10 pp. 7-15
This paper devises an ISO 13584-compliant procedure of com-piling a parts library dictionary, the so-called PLIB dictionary, dedicatedly for a mechanical element of Chains. This compiling procedure is composed of the following four steps of (1) creating a standardized identification hierarchy of chains by structuring chain families, (2) organizing all the necessary information on families and properties into three Excel Sheets, (3) mapping the entries in the Excel Sheets to instances of EXPRESS speci-fication, and (4) transforming these instances to a STEP physical file. A distinctive feature of this procedure consists in auto-matizing the process of the above steps (3) and (4) of mapping the entries in the Excel Sheets onto instances of the EXPRESS specification and then transforming them to a STEP physical file.
Dictionary compilation, ISO 13584-compliant implementation, Mechanical element of chains, Parts library dictionary