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Auto Notification Service for the Student Record Retrieval System Using Short Message Service (SMS)
Ibrahim A.S.Muhamadi, A.A Zaidan, S.Raviraja, M.A Zaidan, B.B Zaidan, Chengetai Mapundu
Citation |
Vol. 9 No. 8 pp. 200-208
Web development in becoming a global knowledge has taken numerous steps to improve its information systems, strengthen internally and externally focused knowledge-sharing activities, and foster broader global knowledge-sharing initiatives, all in support of enhancing the web development and its partners¡¯ and clients¡¯ access to and sharing of ideas . Most of universities have websites; these websites have links which its content of information of a student such as examination results which is not sufficient to show or provide all the data required. The Student Record Retrieval System (SRRS) has been introduced to overcome the above mentioned problem .In this paper, a new proposed system enhancement to the role of the lecturer in SRRS is presented so as to be more informative to the student. The enhancement to the system aimed to allow the lecturer to pass more information to the student using auto notification of short message service depend on mobile phone for each student.
Student Record Retrieval System (SRRS), short message service (SMS)