Recognizing the importance and need of Education in general & technical education in particular India has taken planned and systematic steps to establish Centres of Excellence in technical fields. They were Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) in 1950s followed by Regional Engineering Colleges, re-named as National Institute of Technology, (NITs in 2003) in each state as second level Institutions in 1960s. Afterwards, with the advent of information technology Indian Institute of information Technology (IIITs) were established in early 21st century. After a gap of about 40 years India decided to establish additional such Centres of Excellence. Very recently new IITs, NITs and IIITs are being established at various places of India. In an effort to find out the impact of various parameters of Human Resource Management and innovations on technical institutions, a comprehensive study has been conducted seeking the example of two technical institutions (T1 & T2). In the present study the important components such as administrative structure, selections of HR, satisfaction level, participation of staff in management, perks, automation of libraries and laboratories, etc affecting the Human Resource Management have been included and opinions were sought from the support staff of the two institutions (T1 & T2). In earlier two research papers the views of officers and faculty members of same institutions were analyzed to have perspective effect of the analysis on Human Resource Management. The present study will give holistic approach of completeness of Human Resources involved in shaping and reshaping alongwith further shaping the organizations. The deliverables of the observations by support staff reflect that T1 is comparatively better prone in using information communication technology (ICT) in different managerial aspects as compared to T2.
Human Resource Management, Completeness, Satisfaction level, Technical institutions, Vertical & Horizontal growths