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Student Record Retrieval System Using knowledge Sharing


Ibrahim A.S.Muhamadi, M.A Zaidan, A.A Zaidan, B.B Zaidan


Vol. 9  No. 6  pp. 97-106


Web development to become a global knowledge web development , it has taken numerous steps to improve its information systems, strengthen internally and externally focused knowledge-sharing activities, and foster broader global knowledge-sharing initiatives, all in support of enhancing the web development and its partners¡¯ and clients¡¯ access to and sharing of ideas .Most of universities have websites ,these websites have links which its content of information of a student such as examination results which is never functional and does not show or provide all the data required . Unfortunately, what is practiced now is not efficient and not modern and some universities like (FSKTM) for University of Malay hang papers on the notice board or attached them with nails or clips, one paper over another, some flopped, or some partially hidden and not in order but in a chaos way, is ridiculous. This system was developed due to the non-existence of a standard website that keeps a record for student¡¯s .for the above mentioned reason, the task for this paper became difficult. A new system of web development using knowledges sharing is presented. The proposed system aim to keep all students¡¯ recoreds or data, to distribute results to students online. A new system, Student Record Retrieval system (SRRS) has been developed for two main functions, firstly the student can access the system to see his recoreds and data, this process can be executed by login with ID and password. Secondly a staff (admin or lecturer) can access as well by login with ID and password. The proposed system has been developed using ASP.Net.


Student Record Retrieval System (SRRS), Knowledge Sharing, web development