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The Impact of Overclocking the CPU to the Genetic Algorithm


Ahmed Hikmat, Azween Abdullah


Vol. 9  No. 5  pp. 175-180


In this paper, an experiment to show the impact of overclocking the CPU to the Genetic algorithm has been conducted. For the CPU part, we have used Intel core 2 duo E6420, its original frequency is 2.13 GHz, and we have succeeded to hit 3.20 GHz which is about 50% boost. For the genetic algorithm part, we have used the Rastrigin¡¯s function, which is often used to test the genetic algorithm. The number of generation is fixed to 5000 generation. We implement the function by using MATLAB R2009a. In both cases, the CPU time is measured and plotted, and the difference has been shown.


CPU overclocking, genetic algorithm, Rastrigin¡¯s function, MATLAB R2009a