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A Simple Efficient Circuit Partitioning by Genetic Algorithm
Akash deep, Baljit Singh, Arjan Singh, Jatinder Singh
Citation |
Vol. 9 No. 4 pp. 272-276
Circuit partitioning problem is a well known NP hard problem. The potential of Genetic Algorithm has been used to solve many computationally intensive problems (NP hard problems) because existing conventional methods are unable to perform the required breakthrough in terms of complexity, time and cost. This paper deals with the problem of partitioning of a circuit using Genetic Algorithm. The algorithm inputs the adjacency matrix generates graph of the circuit and partitions the circuit based on improved crossover operator. The algorithm produces a set of vertices that are highly connected to each other but highly disconnected from the other partitions and the results show that algorithm if far superior than the simple GA.
Genetic Algorithm, Circuit Partitioning, NP hard, Chromosome, Crossover