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A Framework for QoS Management and Contract Enforced Services in MANETs for Prioritized Traffic Environment
M. Sulleman Memon, Manzoor Hashmani, Niaz A. Memon
Citation |
Vol. 9 No. 4 pp. 192-198
In many performance oriented applications like cooperative information sharing, defense applications, disaster management, mission critical applications and commercial production applications End to end QoS is a very critical issue. They all require connectivity like leased lines of conventional networks that remain difficult in MANETs due to changing topology, minimum bandwidth and routing problems but all this can be managed by using an excellent QoS Management Control with the support of a Contract Enforced Agreements. In this paper we have addressed both issues and have proposed design, functions and even implementing mechanisms of Contract Enforced Agreement with its postulates and QoS Management Control with its mechanism to support QoS in MANETS.
QoS Management, Contract Enforcement, Pricing Pitch, QoS Resource Reservation, Prioritized Traffic