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Using McCabe Method to Compare the Complexity of Object Oriented Languages


Yas Alsultanny


Vol. 9  No. 3  pp. 320-326


The absence of a standard regulatory mechanism in terms of quality control/quality assurance with respect to implementation and managing projects, particularly in the industrial sector has lead to an inconsistency among the various software systems. The methodologies and tools relevant to the entire life cycle, from conceptualization to implementation, the quality assurance of software has to be visualized. Development of software for managing projects is an extremely complex affair. The McCabe method of software complexity used to compare the complexity of several object oriented languages such as C++, Java and Visual Basic. The binary search algorithm written in three languages; C++, Java, and Visual Basic was used to measure the complexity of the algorithm, the results showed that the complexity of these languages are different, and the results showed that the languages that are easy in programming has more complexity, than that is not easy in programming. This means that the programs written in Visual Basic will be expected to have higher complexity than the same program written in C++ language. A comparison between languages keywords showed that we can expected the complexity of programming languages with less keywords will be increased with longer access time.


Software complexity, MacCabe method, object oriented languages, software programming