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Total Traceability System: A Novel System by Combination of Horizontal and Vertical Traceability Systems for Food Supply Chains


Rohan Samarasinghe, Duminda Nishantha, Noriyuki Shutto, Manjula Wanniarachchige


Vol. 9  No. 3  pp. 148-156


Traceability systems have become a dominant component within the production and marketing companies as they can efficiently control the supply chain, minimize the risks of the production process, and help to enhance the consumer/customer reliability on products. Moreover, such systems can be used to meet the requirements of government rules and regulations about safety of the products. The potential of traceability systems to reap multifaceted benefits have been identified by many research works for many years but the apparent anomaly that these business industries do not still feel traceability systems as a catalyst for financial gains inhibits the practical deployment of tractability systems. Moreover, most of such systems could be traced the characteristics of one process or one location. But today, to get the cost benefits, final product may be a collection of intermediate sub products, produced and process in different locations. Efficient system of tracing such types of supply chain and processes are still a challenging issue. This paper we first review the currently available traceability systems and analyze the effectiveness, limitations practical problems of implementation. Most of these systems are less cost effectiveness, lack of accuracy and also lack of technological knowledge of the staff. We focus on a supply chain which has several sub processes and then we focus on the limitations and problems and introduce a traceability system by combination of horizontal and vertical traceability systems. Further, we are going to implement our system with a sales and marketing company business model. Our system mainly addresses the cost effectiveness, accuracy, user friendliness, preciseness and security. Further more, we have planned to implement this system in three phases.


Traceability system, Supply chain management, Horizontal traceability, Vertical Traceability