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The Effect of First Pre-Amplifier Gain to the BER Performance in Restored Metro Ring Network
Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman
Citation |
Vol. 8 No. 12 pp. 267-270
The main objective of this simulation study is to observe the profile effects of first pre-amplification and to the value of output power and bit error rate (BER) performance in the restored metropolitan ring network using 1:1 linear protection scheme. Three profiles are introduced and studied, its effects on BER performance and output power are compared. We observed the first gain value gives the significant effect to the initial BER value. As a result we propose the BER improvement by optimizing the value of gain based on the load line analysis in our previous publication [6]. The OptiSystem simulation is used to obtain the desired research objective and analysis the results elsewhere.
EDFA, gain, first amplifier, BER, ring network, restoration