DoS / DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service) attacks deny regular, internet services from being accessed by legitimate users, either by blocking the services completely, or by disturbing it completely, so as to cause customer baulking. Several traceback schemes are available to mitigate these attacks. DGT8, directional geographical trackback scheme [1], with 8 directions is one of them. Having a limited set of 8 directions, DGT8 may not work for routers with more than 8 interfaces. In this paper, we propose DGT 16, a 16 directional geographical traceback scheme having all the advantages of DGT. The 16 directions, though not having exactly equal interface, have nearly equal measures, and are identified using a novel scheme of Segment Direction Ratios (SDR). The SDR concept and the associated marking scheme allow the victim to defend against DDoS attacks independent of its ISP and also the generalization to DGT2n, having 2n directions (n>4). Index terms: - DoS, DDoS, DGT (Directed Geographical traceback), IP traceback, SDR (Segment Direction Ratio).