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TCM: A Trust Computation Model for collaborative decision making in Multi-agent System
Indiramma M, Anandakumar K R
Citation |
Vol. 8 No. 11 pp. 69-75
Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) is an important human activity and it has many practical applications in society, economy, management and engineering, etc. Many real world decision problems are involving uncertainty in which information may be incomplete or not available. This situation makes decision making a complex task to the experts. Various methods such as voting, ranking and negotiation exist and they share common objective of synthesizing or aggregating judgments or preferences when uncertainty exists. Existing groupware based on these models do not have tools to effectively analyze and provide support for social facets of group work. Hence there is a need to embed social issues in groupware and to analyze this system and the work of the groups which use them. Trust is one such factor which is a basic feature of social situations and plays a critical role in problem solving and group decision making. Also social trust models like recommender system, trust management for pervasive computing, trust model for decision in peer-to-peer networks are becoming invaluable part of distributed systems. In this paper we present a trust computation model for multi agent collaborative work and a social decision making algorithm capable of aggregating the decisions of individuals based on trust. This model supports a diverse problem space and a trust based social decision algorithm for a distributed environment. Our approach provides enhanced group consensus compared to voting method.
Collaborative Decision making, Trust, Multi agent system, Bayesian Network