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PAR-Synthesis of Multiprocessors Parallel Systems


Mieczys©©aw Drabowski


Vol. 8  No. 10  pp. 289-294


The paper includes a new model of par-synthesis (coherent co-synthesis), this is characteristic for the problems of computer system design. Optimal task scheduling, partition at resources, allocation task and resource are basic problems in high-level synthesis of computer systems. The goals of synthesis of computer systems are to find an optimum solution satisfying the requirements and constraints enforced by the given specification of the system. The following criteria of optimality are considered: cost of system implementation and operating speed. A specification describing a computer system may be provided as a set of interactive tasks (processes, functions). The synergic solution is a result of cooperation between the scheduling algorithms and the algorithm responsible for resource partition. Par-synthesis may have a practical application in developing tools for computer aided rapid prototyping of such systems.


partition at resources, task scheduling, co-synthesis, par-synthesis, schedule length