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Issues of Multihoming Implementation Using FAST TCP: A Simulation Based Analysis


M. Junaid Arshad, M. Saleem Mian


Vol. 8  No. 9  pp. 104-114


Multihoming is currently widely used to provide end-to-end fault-tolerance and improved application performance. A node having different IP addresses or could be reached under several IP addresses is said to be multihomed. Transport layer multihoming is a feature that binds a single transport layer connection to multiple network addresses at each endpoint. Although transport layer multihoming is an old concept, neither of the Internet¡¯s current transport protocol workhorses, TCP or UDP, support multihoming. However, some transport protocols (like SCTP [10] or pTCP [17]) support multihoming, but unfortunately they are not designed for high-capacities and large-latencies networks, they often have performance problems transferring large data files over shared long-distance wide area networks. In this paper, we address a number of issues/challenges in attempting to develop such an end-to-end transport layer protocol based on FAST TCP, which can transfer data over the high-speed networks through multiple paths concurrently using multihoming (i.e., motivate to use FAST TCP as a reliable, multihome-aware, SACK-based and delay-based transport layer protocol). In our initial efforts, we propose some key design scheme for FAST TCP to enable the concurrent utilization of all the available paths over the multiple interfaces of a multihomed end host, with the goal of improving end-to-end throughput. After sketching this design scheme into ns-2 simulations, we show that FAST TCP multihoming achieves the desired goals under a variety of network conditions. The experimental results and survey presented in this research also provide insight on design decisions for the future high-speed multihomed transport protocols.


FAST TCP, Bandwidth Aggregation, FAST TCP multihoming, Multiple Paths, Transport Protocols