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An Efficient Architecture for Query Processing in Mobile Environment
T.P.Andamuthu, P.Balasubramanie
Citation |
Vol. 8 No. 9 pp. 6-12
The downstream communication ability from servers to clients is much better than the upstream communication ability from clients back to servers, in various existing and rising application domains. For query processing in mobile environment, a well-organized architecture is proposed in this paper. Utmost of downstream communication capacity of server is exploited by the proposed architecture to offer the client with the desirable information through least requirement for Data pull. This is for the reason that Pull-based systems are a poor match for asymmetric communications environments, as they need considerable upstream communications capabilities. The mobile clients are allowed to maintain a service execution neighboring to their location perspective and to thematically find the mobile, by the proposed method. For managing host mobility, an adaptive updating algorithm is too offered. The lessening of the client power utilization and raise in query efficiency are revealed by our architecture using extensive simulation results.
Broadcast, Query, Mobile host, Mobility, Location.