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Context Exploration For Requirements Elicitation In Mobile Learning Application Development


N. Uday Bhaskar, P. Govindarajulu


Vol. 8  No. 8  pp. 292-299


With the advent of context aware applications into the learning scenario, the context in which the application is being run becomes an inherent aspect of the learning activity carried out with the system. It is always a challenging aspect to identify and understand the contextual elements and their role in the underlying application. This demands the need to make more contextual elements¡¯ categorization with understanding of the properties and a procedure to capture the above ones while requirements elicitation for m-learning application is in progress. In this paper we try to explore the contextual elements that enhance the requirements elicitation for designing and developing context aware m-learning applications. Also, the various properties of these contextual elements is elaborated for the better understanding, followed by an elicitation process that brings the contextual elements and their structure in the m-learning applications to live.


Context, Context Awareness, Mobile Learning, Requirements Elicitation