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Approach towards realizing resource mining and secured information transfer


Prasun Chakrabarti , Partha Sarathi Goswami


Vol. 8  No. 7  pp. 345-350


The paper deals with the concept of data mining whereby the data resources can be fetched and accessed accordingly with reduced time complexity. The retrieval techniques are pointed out based on the ideas of binary search tree, Gantt chart, text summarization. Summarization is a hard problem of Natural Language Processing because, to do it properly, one has to really understand the point of a text. This requires semantic analysis, discourse processing, and inferential interpretation (grouping of the content using world knowledge). The last step, especially, is complex, because systems without a great deal of world knowledge simply cannot do it. Therefore, attempts so far of performing true abstraction--creating abstracts as summaries--have not been very successful. Fortunately, however, an approximation called extraction is more feasible today. To create an extract, a system need simply to identify the most important/topical/central topic(s) of the text, and return them to the reader. Although the summary is not necessarily coherent, the reader can form an opinion of the content of the original. Most automated summarization systems today produce extracts only. Lastly, extraction of resources can be efficiently done using statistical approaches. Another aspect of the paper is concept of shared key in case of multiparty communication. Information security plays a pivotal role. Various proposed techniques have been cited for key evolution in multi-party domain and the areas concerned are based on interlock protocol , SKEY and SKID.


data mining , time complexity, binary search tree , Gantt chart, text summarization ,interlock protocol, SKEY,SKID