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Efficient On-Demand Routing Protocols to Optimize Network Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks


Mohammed Ismail, M.Y. Sanavullah


Vol. 8  No. 7  pp. 277-281


In recent years, wireless sensor networks (WSN) have found their way into a wide variety of applications and systems with vastly varying requirements and characteristics. Wireless networks are self-configurable, multihop networks formed by nodes having continuous mobility. This is an area in which close collaboration between users, application domain experts, hardware designers, and software developers is needed to implement efficient systems. The foremost challenge of WSN is in finding routes between source and destination with minimum power consumption, and this requirement has led to many routing protocols. In this paper, two novel routing protocols, namely, Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) and Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector for Clustering (C-AODV) routing protocol, that can provide optimum number of nodes with maximum throughput for a specific network area, has been proposed. Simulation results show that the optimum number of nodes remains the same for both the protocols and it varies identically, as the network area increases or decreases, due to limited radio range, mobility, contention etc. It has been observed that as the node mobility increases the throughput decreases for a fixed network configuration over an area.


Wireless sensor network, Node optimization, zone routing protocol, C-AODV, Power efficiency, Data throughput.