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An Efficient Security Framework for Detection and Isolation of Attackers in Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks


S.Padma Priya, Jayaram Pradhan


Vol. 8  No. 7  pp. 224-232


LR-WPANs pose a number of new security problems in addition to the problems of regular networks. Without appropriate protection, the malicious nodes can readily function as routers and prevent the network from correctly delivering the packets. Packet delivery in adhoc networks is achieved through routing and packet forwarding. So we should provide security for both operations. We provide an Efficient Security Framework (ESF) that protects both routing and data forwarding operations. Our framework involves (i) Detection of malicious nodes by the modified AODV protocol. (ii) Isolation of malicious nodes by using Multi-Signature based tickets. Through both analysis and simulation results, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in a highly mobile and hostile environment.


AODV protocol, wireless personal area networks, Attacks, Detection, RREQ Flooding