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Evaluation of GPS and RADAR data for Analysis of Target Tracking System
N.K.Srinath, Ramakanthkumar.P, G.Prabhushankar
Citation |
Vol. 8 No. 7 pp. 197-202
The GPS data is obtained by the target and host aircrafts. The data obtained from the GPS is in the NEMA format. Each target aircraft will pass the parameters such as longitude, latitude, altitude, speed and range to the Host. The HOST aircraft stores the information and uses the same to display on the map. To improve the accuracy and to obtain the multiple flying targets position relative/absolute to the HOST aircraft during sortie, a perfect and efficient multiple tracking systems like RADAR is available. The RADAR data is fine tuned to better the performance in tracking the multiple TARGETs accurately. To do so the navigation parameters of both HOST and TARGET aircrafts received through GPS receivers and RADAR is recorded in separate files on-line, in an industrial computer onboard HOST aircraft during sorties and use the same data in offline for analyzing. MIL-STD 1553B bus is used to get data from multiple target system in Asynchronous mode. All the information obtained by the RADAR is stored in a file. Each and every line of the file is read by the system and after parsing the entire file for 4-R-1-1 and 4-R-2-30 messages all the valid data is written to another file. This file contains all the valid RADAR data. Now this file is parsed line by line to get the time tag information and GPS Host and Target file is opened and checked for the corresponding time tag and a comparison is made if they match then the other information such as speed, azimuth, range etc., are extracted and displayed on the GUI with aircraft positions. If there is no corresponding GPS data for the time tag extracted by the RADAR, then interpolation of the GPS data for the corresponding RADAR time tag data is carried out and simultaneously the user will be shown navigation specific messages and data on the Graph.