Off-line Handwriting Text Line Segmentation : A Review
Zaidi Razak, Khansa Zulkiflee, Mohd Yamani Idna Idris, Emran Mohd Tamil, Mohd Noorzaily Mohamed Noor, Rosli Salleh, Mohd Yaakob, Zulkifli Mohd Yusof, Mashkuri Yaacob
Vol. 8 No. 7 pp. 12-20
Text line segmentation is an essential pre-processing stage for off-line handwriting recognition in many Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems. It is an important step because inaccurately segmented text lines will cause errors in the recognition stage. Text line segmentation of the handwritten documents is still one of the most complicated problems in developing a reliable OCR. The nature of handwriting makes the process of text line segmentation very challenging. Several techniques to segment handwriting text line have been proposed in the past. This paper seeks to provide a comprehensive review of the methods of off-line handwriting text line segmentation proposed by researchers.
Off-line handwriting recognition, text line segmentation.