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A Java-Based Programming Language Support of Location Management in Pervasive Systems


Sherif G. Aly, Sarah Nadi, Karim Hamdan


Vol. 8  No. 6  pp. 329-336


In this paper, we present an effort towards incorporating programming language support for pervasive systems development activities through extending on an already existing and stable programming language, namely Java. Pervasive systems research indicated the need for five main cornerstone features in support for conducting efficient pervasive systems development activities, namely programming language support for context, location, actors, sensors, and events. Herewith this article, we illustrate how we utilized the extensible markup language (XML), along with the Jini Javaspace technology, access rights definition, as well as supporting libraries to incorporate the representation and management of location in pervasive systems development activities. Beyond presenting the details of this approach, we demonstrate an actual example showing how location topology can be defined, along with their associated fine-grain access rights, how such topology can be stored and retrieved from Javaspaces, how the Javaspaces themselves can be managed, and how to query for location information taking into consideration the enforcement of defined rules for access rights to various locations.part of summary.


Pervasive, location, Javaspace, XML, access