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Node Allocation In Grid Computing Using Optimal Resouce Constraint (ORC) Scheduling
K.Somasundaram, S.Radhakrishnan
Citation |
Vol. 8 No. 6 pp. 309-313
The objective of grid computing is to distribute the jobs to heterogeneous environment and increase the speed of processing the jobs. Most of the Grid tool kits use the First Come First Served (FCFS) based scheduling algorithm to distribute the job to different executors or client nodes. In FCFS scheduling algorithm, doesn¡¯t consider the capabilities of executors or client and also many processes runs on a processor, has bottlenecks in Grid environment such as when scheduling workloads that are subject to time constraints, it increases the waiting time of list of processes. We proposed a new scheduling algorithm called Optimum Resource Constraint (ORC) Scheduling algorithm which includes the combination of both the Best fit allocation and Round Robin scheduling to allocate the jobs in queue pool. The algorithm was implemented in local and global grid schedulers. This improved the efficiency of load balancing and dynamicity capability of the Grid resources. We measured the performance of ORC algorithm on a Grid computing with maximum number of jobs and nodes.
Queue pool, Grid computing, Load balancing, ORC scheduling algorithm