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Life Estimation of Transformer Using Tan¥ä Monitoring and Fuzzy-Neuro Approach


G K Joshi, Anil Kumar Sharma


Vol. 8  No. 6  pp. 241-246


The life of a transformer is basically the life of dielectric of the transformer. Many a times the transformers don¡¯t survive their normal life though they work under non-faulty and normal operating conditions. This is because of the slow but continuous degradation of the quality of dielectric. The process is known as ageing process. The breakdown test of the transformer using H.V. supply does not give the reasons which leads to the failure of the transformer much before the expiry of nominal expected life. Also the H.V. testing is destructive & therefore un economical. The researchers have therefore focused on nondestructive testing of H.V. dielectrics such as c-Tan ¥ä testing, partial discharge testing and insulation resistance measurement under d.c. voltage etc. In the present work the Tan ¥ä measurements of the dielectric have been made at regular intervals of time. The monitoring of Tan ¥ä reveals that with usage, its value keeps on increasing and when it crosses the threshold value, the dielectric of the transformer and therefore the transformer ceases to survive its useful life. Efforts have been made to estimate the life of transformer using the mathematical model and also using the MATLAB based ANN. It is basically the back-propagation network in ANN, which has been used. Also the use of ANN successfully maps all the factors affecting the life of dielectric and yield¡¯s reliable information about the life of dielectric. The mathematical model uses the fuzzy c- mean value of Tan ¥ä, while the ANN is required to be trained before testing it, for providing the life of the transformer.


Fuzzy-c-mean, ANN, H.V., Tan¥ä, MATLAB, insulation testing, dielectric loss, electrode, leakage current, stress, humidity