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PSPICE simulation and implementation of closed loop controlled ZVS LCL push-pull DC-DC converter


S.Arun, S.Rama Reddy


Vol. 8  No. 6  pp. 67-73


A high performance ZVS LCL push-pull DC-DC converter under closed loop control is analyzed with PI controller. Soft switching acquired by the primary MOSFET switches under LCL combination reduces the switching stress. Single device voltage drop on the primary side and resonating capacitor acting as tuned filter in the load side justifies an efficient converter. Quick settling time of error in the output for PI controller justifies its superior performance over other controllers. Circuit model developed in PSPICE for open and closed loop systems are analyzed and simulated. Various resonant topologies like LCL, LLC are compared and analyzed. Simulation results help in verifying the validity of PI controller for the closed loop controlled system. Experimental results on DC-DC converter match with the simulated results. Microcontroller is used to drive the MOSFET switches of the push pull converter.


DC-DC ZVS converter, P and PI controller and push pull technique, Microcontroller