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Energy and Channel Aware MAC Protocol to Achieve Fairness in Multi-Hop Mobile Adhoc Networks


P.Priakanth, P.Thangaraj


Vol. 8  No. 4  pp. 29-35


The determination of possible channel capacity at different contention regions is a serious problem in Ad Hoc networks. Burstiness and time correlation errors are so frequent and hence modeling the wireless channel behavior is very challenging. We propose an energy efficient and channel aware (EECA) MAC protocol to advance the fairness among wireless nodes that may practice location-dependent channel errors. By scrutinizing the traffic, a collective score is designed and the feasible bandwidth and channel state of each wireless link is estimated. A routing protocol is used to send the score. The nodes with high scores are transmitted . Nodes attempting to access the wireless medium with a low score will be allowed to transmit again when their score becomes high. Thus our proposed protocol attains fairness with minimum energy in multi-hop adhoc networks.


Mac Protocol, Multi-hop, Fairness, Channel, Energy, Bandwidth