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Simulator for evaluating Reliability of Reusable Components in a Domain Interconnection Network


P.K. Suri, Neeraj Garg


Vol. 8  No. 3  pp. 251-259


This paper analysis the various domains of a Interconnection network systems and the different reusable components that are available for these Domains. The detailed sub-domain analysis is done and the Reliability is calculated for each sub-domain of a domain for each component A number of components are available for a particular domain for black-box reuse. A Simulator uses the parameters of the available components for black box reuse. In Phase-I and only that component qualifies which can meet the requirements of a particular domain. In the Phase-II the simulator checks the reliability of the qualified components by simulating the actual environment , system , user and other factors where the components will be used. The reliability of the system is calculated which incorporating the effects of every sub-domain of each qualified component. The component with the highest reliability qualifies to be reused in the system.


Software Reusability, Domain Analysis, Sub-domains, Operational Profiles of component, Domain Interconnection Network, System Reliability of Simulation