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High Performance Multithreaded Model for Stream Cipher


Khaled M. Suwais, Azman Bin Samsudin


Vol. 8  No. 3  pp. 228-233


New multithreaded model for stream cipher algorithms is presented as a step to enhance the performance (encryption rate) of stream ciphers. The architecture of the model relies on the multi-core technology which has become a common nowadays. The model is divided into three (components) phases: Thread Creation Phase, Keystream Generation Phase and Encryption Phase. Multiple threads will be created and synchronized in order to ensure higher performance and stable execution among the model¡¯s components. The experimental results show that the encryption rate of the tested ECSC-128 stream cipher has increased greatly. However, the main characteristics of the proposed model are easy to implement and fast on execution in a compact structure.


Multithreading, Multi-Core, Stream Cipher and Encryption