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A Design Methodology For Acceptability Analyzer in Context Aware Adaptive Mobile Learning Systems Development
N. Uday Bhaskar, P. Govindarajulu
Citation |
Vol. 8 No. 3 pp. 130-138
The use of mobile computing technologies supported by portable devices such as Mobile Phones, PDAs, and Smart Phones has contributed to the evolution of the concept of Mobile Learning or m-learning, which supports high degree of mobility for learning. Context aware adaptive content delivery in m-learning are delivering the right content to right learner in right time and at right place, but this doesn¡¯t necessarily mean that learners are interested in it or in any associated learning activity. In this paper we put forward a methodology for designing context aware adaptive m-learning applications/ systems that identifies the interest of the learner in which learner¡¯s own actions against the learning content with an m-learning application will become dominant indicators of his/her acceptability/interest to learn for that context.
Acceptability, Adaptive, Context aware, Mobile Learning