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A Realization of the Persistence of Petri Net State Spaces using XML Data Deployment


Katsumi Wasaki


Vol. 8  No. 3  pp. 92-97


In this paper, we propose a reliable system framework that im-plements the persistence of a Petri net state space using XML data deployment with external database system, for concurrent system design. In recent times, many designers have tried to describe parallel systems using Petri nets. The condition of such a system, modeled using a Petri net, can be monitored dynamically by comparison with the net's state space. Thus, the high reliability is obtained if the net is used for surveillance. For this reason, it is necessary to determine the persistence of the condition. Therefore, in this research, we designed a system for the purpose of ensuring the persistence of the state space by using a database system.


System Reliability, Petri Nets, State Space Persistency and XML