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A New Power Conservative Routing for Wireless Mobile Ad hoc Networks using Cross Layer Design


N.Kasiviswanath, B. Stephen Charles, P. Chandrasekhar Reddy


Vol. 8  No. 3  pp. 52-58


Nowadays, the cross-layer design approach is the most relevant concept in wireless mobile ad hoc networks which is adopted to solve several open issues. It aims to overcome ad hoc networks performance problems by allowing protocols belonging to different layers to cooperate and share network status information while still maintaining separated layers. A cross layer design is particularly important for any network using wireless technologies, since the state of the physical medium can significantly vary over time. Perhaps information exchange between different layers can even optimize the network throughput. In this paper, we proposed a simple cross-layer design among Physical, Medium Access Control and Network layers for power conservation based on transmission power control. In this method, we provided power control ability to the Dynamic Source Routing protocol. In this Power DSR (PDSR), the RREP control signals are used to piggyback the necessary information to enable the transmitting nodes to discover the required minimum amount of transmission power. We have implemented this protocol using Global Mobile Simulator (Glomosim) and studied its performance using on-demand routing protocol, DSR. We obtained around 15% power conservation with Power DSR. We also made an experiment with Power DSR at routing layer and Power Controlled MACA protocol at mac layer.


Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, power conservation, cross layer design, DSR routing protocol, Power DSR