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Optimized Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor Network


Rajesh Yadav, Shirshu Varma, N.Malaviya


Vol. 8  No. 2  pp. 334-338


Medium access control for wireless sensor networks has been a very active research area in the recent years. The traditional wireless medium access control protocol such as IEEE 802.11 is not suitable for the sensor network application because these are battery powered. The recharging of these sensor nodes is expensive and also not possible. The most of the literature in the medium access for the sensor network focuses on the energy efficiency. The proposed MAC protocol solves the energy inefficiency caused by idle listening, control packet overhead and overhearing taking nodes latency into consideration based on the network traffic. Simulation experiments have been performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. This protocol has been simulated in Network Simulator ns-2.


Wireless Sensor Network, Medium Access Control, Energy Efficiency, MAC Protocols