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Performance analysis of Leader Election Algorithms in Mobile Ad hoc Networks


Muhammad Mizanur Rahman, M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud, Oksam Chae


Vol. 8  No. 2  pp. 257-263


Leader election is an extensively studied problem in Ad hoc networks. In our study, we have implemented an extended idea of an existing leader election algorithm for energy saving to arbitrary topological changes. In this method, our focus is to reduce the number of leader election processes; to make it more energy efficient. Unlike the previous solutions, the algorithm proposes that each node maintains a list of candidates to minimize the total number of leader elections. Simulation results show that this leader election algorithm using candidates has much fewer leader elections and generates lower messages than the existing leader election algorithm.


Leader Election Algorithm for Ad hoc Networks (LEAA), Candidate Based Leader Election Algorithm for Ad hoc Networks (CBLEAA), heart-beat-message, most-valued-node, computation-index