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Threshold-based Detection of P and T-wave in ECG using New Feature Signal
V.S. Chouhan, S.S. Mehta
Citation |
Vol. 8 No. 2 pp. 144-153
Detection of P and T waves is an important part in the analysis and interpretation of ECG. The presented algorithm detects and delineates both P and T-waves simultaneously. It employs a modified definition of slope, of ECG signal, as the feature for detection of ECG wave components. A number of transformations of the filtered and baseline drift corrected ECG signal are used for extraction of this new modified slope-feature. Five feature-components are combined to derive the final feature signal. Amplitude threshold of the final feature signal is employed for distinguishing P and T waves with respect to already detected QRS-complexes. P-wave detection rate of 96.95% with false positive and false negative percentage of 2.62% and 3.01% has been reported. Similarly, T-wave detection rate of 98.01% with false positive and false negative percentage of 3.08% and 1.93% has been reported.
ECG, P and T-wave detection, threshold detection, feature signal