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A Survey on Congestion Control Mechanisms in High Speed Networks


K. Satyanarayan Reddy, Lokanatha C. Reddy


Vol. 8  No. 1  pp. 187-195


In this paper an effort has been made to study various Congestion control techniques used for reducing/easing the level of congestion and subsequently avoiding the congestion of the wired communication networks in general and High Speed Networks in particular. Many authors have suggested several congestion control techniques [2], [3], [4], [8], [12], [14], [15], [23], [29], [32] & [33] and studied their behavior under various network conditions, for a range of parameters also under heterogeneous networking environments. A special effort has been made to study the problems associated with the TCP congestion control mechanisms and the several solutions that have been proposed to improve its performance. This analysis tries to study the limitations of the suggested solutions, based on various parameters and propose algorithms to overcome these limitations for the High Speed Networks.


TCP, Congestion Control, Throughput, Performance, High Speed Networks.