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A Differential Measurement (DM) of Congestion Level in ATM Network


Hamad Abu Zaied


Vol. 7  No. 12  pp. 264-268


A differential measurement of congestion level is introduced to enhance the cost function to be applied in routing strategy inorder to maximize the utilization of the installed resources as well as balancing the load in ATM networks is introduced. The differential measurement of congestion level is based on computing the number of in-progress calls within each reallocation period several times, which leads to find out the rate of loading. At each node (ATM switch) there is a controller for computing the occupied capacity, the residual capacity and the available capacity to prevent any call rejection if there is sufficient amount of bandwidth supporting the arriving calls. When a new call requests a connection, the bandwidth allocation controller assigns for it the required bandwidth, if there is enough resources, otherwise it will be rejected. After the call is completed, the assigned bandwidth will be released and returned back to the remaining amount of capacity, which we will call the channel reserve capacity. Once the call is accepted, the cost function will guide it to follow the least congested route taking into account the congestion level and the rate of loading at the next node. Some simulation results are presented.


traffic, cost function, congestion level, residual bandwidth