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An Experiment on Asynchronous and Synchronous Authoring of a Service Plan Document


Venkata Nallaparaju, Gitesh K. Raikundalia


Vol. 7  No. 12  pp. 66-70


Workflow has been proven to be beneficial in many, if not all, situations in providing more efficiency in an organisation, greater productivity and better process control. Real-time collaborative authoring tools have similarly been successful in many cases in allowing a group of distributed authors to construct and edit a document simultaneously. Such authoring tools may be more effective in writing part of a document, rather than the entire document, in a session(s) of same-time writing. This paper presents findings from an experiment applying both workflow and collaborative authoring tools to a business document. Trials and experiments investigating the combination of these tools are very rare, suggesting that more needs to be learnt in using this combination to facilitate document-based processes in organisations. This paper adds to the few findings available for experiments on the combination of these two tools.


Workflow, collaborative document authoring, business document, experimental study