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The Analysis of Performance of IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol Using Markov Chain


Jun Yin


Vol. 7  No. 12  pp. 27-37


Analyzing the effect of transmission errors on the performance of IEEE 802.11 is important since wireless channels are error-prone. Most of the existing work on the performance analysis of IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF) assumes ideal channel condition. Although a few recent papers consider the impact of packet error rate, they assume the same packet error rate for all the nodes in the system. Obviously, this is an unreasonable assumption for practical environments. In this paper, a new analytical work is developed to evaluate the performance of DCF, in which nodes incur different transmission error rates. An improved Markov chain model is presented to analyze the transmission probability. Meanwhile, a novel approach is adopted to account for the impacts of the packet error rates incurred by different nodes. Furthermore, the stationary performance is derived by modeling the system state transition matrix. Our results substantiate the intuition that in a contention based system like 802.11 DCF, the channel variations of any single node in the system not only impact the throughput of the whole system, but also affect the throughput of other nodes. Our work is validated via simulations using ns-2.


IEEE 802.11 DCF, Delay, Packet error rate, Saturation throughput