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An Agent Based Burgeoning Framework for Privacy Preserving Information Harvesting Systems
Gitanajali.J, Shaik Nusrath Banu, Geetha Mary.A, Indumathi.J, G.V.Uma
Citation |
Vol. 7 No. 11 pp. 268-276
Call it by any epithet, nectar of life or life-giver, the precious mined knowledge nugget from raw data means life to all business applications. As the technology soars to an all time high in this information era, the people are in the grip of insecurity panic originating from diverse loopholes owing to the oscillation between privacy & utility loss, spanning from the internet to local networks. We are enforced to scrutinize the skies for the elusive rain- bearing clouds of Privacy Preserving Information Harvesting Techniques and measures. The desiccated users & miners look for the small mercy from the heavens in the form of a framework for Privacy Preserving Information Harvesting Techniques. In modern times, a ground-breaking consortium of Information Harvesting methods, branded as Privacy Preserving Information Harvesting Techniques (PPIHT), erstwhile developed performs the central objective of protecting sensitive information held in a database from being infringed by a generic database user. The venture of these techniques is the withdrawal of relevant information from colossal amount of data, whilst protecting at the same time sensitive information. A number of Information Harvesting techniques, incorporating privacy protection mechanisms, have been developed that allow one to masquerade sensitive item sets or patterns, at the vanguard of the carrying out of the Information Harvesting process. In this paper, we present a framework to shore up in the established scrutiny of the database deduction problem. We have specified the burgeon conceptual framework in order to compare and contrast each and every one of the techniques in a general podium which will be the basis for ascertaining the suitable technique for a given type of application. Having studied and examined the existing frameworks, we proposed a Burgeon Framework for Agent Based Privacy Preserving Information Harvesting Systems (ABBPPIHS)model for privacy preserving cooperative mining.We hope the proposed solution will tarmac way for investigation track and toil well according to the evaluation metrics including hiding effects, data utility, and time performance.
Agent Based, Burgeon, fuddle, PPDM Ontology, Privacy Preserving Information Harvesting Techniques,Privacy, Privacy-Boosting Technologies,Privacy-Preserving Data Transformation (PPDT)Selector