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Interface and Configuration of the Hardware and Software for TT&C Station


Jai-Houng Leu


Vol. 7  No. 11  pp. 184-187


The second satellite of National Space Program Office, the Republic of China, ROCSAT-2, has been announced as a LEO satellite to be launched in 2002, and defined to carry out the mission of earth remote sensing. The scientific data will be collected and downlink to the ground station at X band frequency, then routed to the proper destination via ground communication network. In the proceeding ROCSAT-1 project, NSPO has established two TT&C stations operated in S band. One of them is sited in the ASTRC. Based on the considerations of cost, schedule, and project risk, a thought under investigation is to modify one of the S band TT&C stations to S/X dual band to serve for both TT&C and remote sensing data downlink for ROCSAT-2. This project is concerned with the interface and configuration of the hardware and software. The mostly important things were trying to avoid possible schedule conflict in tracking these two LEO satellites. The results obtained are presented in this paper.


Satellite communication, Remote sensing, band frequency