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Extracting and Enhancing the Core Area in Fingerprint Images


Arun Vinodh C


Vol. 7  No. 11  pp. 16-20


An automatic fingerprint identification system (AIFS) plays a major role in forensic applications such as criminal identification, ATM card verification, etc. The fingerprint enhancement is essential in the issues of AIFS to ensure robust performance. This paper describes the design and implementation of fingerprint enhancement in two stages: extraction of high ridge curvature area (core) and enhancing the core block. This enhancement algorithm is concentrated on enhancing the block, around the core block for two reasons 1) Rich minutiae exist close around the core point. 2) Absence of delta point in certain fingerprint images. This feature of enhancing core block is essential for fast and robust performance of fingerprint verification / identification. The high ridge curvature area is extracted using the local ridge orientation and the enhancement is based on the estimated local ridge orientation and frequency. The system has been tested on a variety of fingerprint images even of very poor quality and the results showed remarkable performance. Experimental results showed that fingerprint enhancement algorithm is best suited for the verification with high accuracy. The complete fingerprint enhancement procedure takes on an average of about three seconds which is remarkably good.


enhancement, fingerprint, Gabor filter, orientation field, singular point