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Dealing with Challenges in Managing Heterogeneous Networks by Using Mobile Agent Technology


Shamila Makki, Subbarao V. Wunnava


Vol. 7  No. 10  pp. 316-321


In recent years managing and supervising heterogeneous networks that include different types of networks have become a challenging task. In addition, interactions between network components have affected various on-line activities and this is due to the increase of transfer of data between manager and agents which this can cause network traffic/congestion. The centralized network management system can not manage different system administrations and traffic control tasks since it involves with the management of the transmission of a substantial data which causes to consume a lot of bandwidth, and creates computational overhead and traffic jam at the manager¡¯s host. This results in a considerable strain on the network¡¯s resources at all the times. Therefore, instead of having one centralized and huge system for managing a network, several smaller systems along with agents will use for better handling of data and reducing the congestion in the network. Thus, this new management paradigm can carry out the scalability, flexibility, and robustness expected from the current network management system. This paper discusses and analyzes the general advantages of having decentralized management system and addresses how mobile agent technology deals with the challenges of managing heterogeneous networks.


Mobile agent, network management, heterogeneous, distributed systems, scalability, flexibility, robustness