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Multi-Sender Multi-Receiver Authentication For Dynamic Secure Group Communication
R.Aparna, B.B.Amberker
Citation |
Vol. 7 No. 10 pp. 310-315
Secure Group communication deals with exchange of information between authorized group members confidentially. Providing authentication for the messages exchanged between group members in addition to confidentiality is an important issue in Secure Group Communication. We develop a protocol for Secure Authentic Communication where we address authentication for the group communication scheme proposed by Blundo et al. which only provides confidentiality. Authentication scheme used is a multiparty authentication scheme which allows all the users in the system to send and receive messages simultaneously. Our scheme is secure against colluding malicious parties numbering fewer than k. The scheme provides authenticity by using a part of the available information which is used for key computation, thus, without increasing the storage at the user.
Secure Group Communication, Secret key, Authentication, Authentication code, Threshold